Outsourcing Continuation GO 145 Up to 31st July 2018
- The Government of Andhra Pradesh has issued the extension of continuation services G.O. Ms. No. 145 (HR-1, Plg-Policy) Department, dt: 18.08.2017 for Outsourcing employees working in AP state up to 31.07.2018.
- Earlier the Government have issued order up to 31.07.2017 only.
- Now the Government have given issued the order for 1 years i.e. 01.08.2017 to 31.07.2018.
- The Guidelines for the Outsourcing Employees have been found in the G.O. No. 151, Finance, (HR.1.Plg) department., dt: 08.08.2016
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Click here for commentsheel sir my name is dora venkatesh i want to join this job plz tell me joining process call 9052752722
ReplySir we are working in District collectors offices as DEOS UNDER the ITE&C Dept from 2016 feb. After 6 months gov released GO's for 3 times to increase 50% salary but still today no increment for us. Can you advise me with Grievance No to send a complaint to raise our salry.
ReplySir please tell me go of continuation of the year of 2018
ReplyEnhancement GO number please
Replyi want to join this job plz tell me joining process call 9704999593
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