AP Outsourcing Women Employees 180 Days Paid Maternity Leave | G O Ms No 17

outsourcing and contract women employees

AP Outsourcing Employees Paid Maternity Leave for 6 months i.e. (180) days along with contract women employees.

Earlier in 2018, the Government have decided to pay (60) maternity leave salary for the married women for contract and outsourcing employees through GO MS No.53. The (60) days paid salary is out of (120) days.

Recently, the Government have constituted a committee of GOM (Group of Ministers)  under the Chairmanship of Hon'ble Minister for Finance to review the contract and outsourcing guidelines and for better suggestions.

The Group of Ministers have agreed for sanction of (180) days of paid leave to the women married employees. Accordingly, after careful examination of the Government has passed orders called G.o.Ms.No.17,  Finance (HR.1.Plg & Policy) dept., dated:31/01/2019.

The GO describes that this paid leave salary will only eligible for two surviving children of the women employees only. This condition is relaxed in cases of employees having less than two surviving children.

The paid leave shall be equivalent to the existing remuneration drawn by the women employees.  The statutory benefits such as EPF and ESI and other recoveries wherever admissible shall also be admissible by treating them as "on duty"

This paid leave orders are in force with effect from 01.04.2019.

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